2025.03.12 Wednesday Gergely
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Classification Index


cable tv (119)cables, wires (74)
cabs (146)CAD-CAM systems (3)
cafes (33)cafes (7)
cafes, bistros (97)calculators (1)
calibrating (10)candles (16)
caps, hats (17)car air conditioning (11)
car alarms (25)car and commercial vehicle washes (2)
car authentication (84)car breakers (107)
car coolres (5)car design (11)
car finance (8)car glass (52)
car hire (169)car lamps (4)
car manufacture (9)car parks (13)
car polishing (74)car recovery (151)
car sales and distribution (13)car spares (927)
car stereos (26)car washes (63)
caravans (12)carbon brushes (2)
card and paper (124)cardiologists (3)
careers advice (6)carpenters and scaffolders (86)
carpentry (670)carpet cleaning (8)
carriage (2619)carrier bags and sacks (3)
cars (1308)cartography (122)
carts (1)cash machines (1)
cashiers (2)casinos (14)
castors, wheels (7)catering appliances (53)
catering industry (26)catering industry (87)
catering, hospitality (1332)cattle (33)
cds and dvds (23)cement (8)
central vacuuming (5)ceramics products (103)
chains (6)change (15)
charity (1)chassis protection and car care (23)
chassis welders (21)chauffeurs (7)
cheeses (6)chemical goods (133)
chemical industry (130)chemical industry apparatus (21)
chemical materials (26)chemists (130)
childrens' homes (98)chimes (2)
chimneys, -sweeping, -building (94)chip card (1)
chip- and plywood production (53)chipboard (2)
christmas decorations (1)cigarette lighters (2)
cinemas (47)circus (2)
city management (22)city operation (7)
classification systems (1)Cleaning (1)
cleaning and maintanence services (229)cleaning appliances, machinery (24)
cleaning appliances, machinery (16)cleaning materials, appliances (45)
Cleaning products (1)Cleaning supplies (1)
Cleaning tools (1)clerical offices (66)
clocks, watches, jewellery, watchmakers, jewellers (450)clothing, fashion clothes (655)
clubs, associations (20)coach-builder (1)
coal (1)coal mining (4)
coal, carbon products (10)coffee, tea, chocolate (46)
cogwheels (14)coins (7)
cold foods (18)cold processing (2)
commercial mediation (7)commissioners (153)
community centres (1)community centres (75)
competitions (23)compressors (41)
computer networkks (29)concrete (238)
concrete additives (3)concrete impregnating (17)
concrete units , reinforced concrete (49)condensers (4)
confectionery (36)confectionery industry, confectionery products (94)
conference centres (19)construction advice (10)
construction contractors (33)construction design and management (335)
construction engineering (686)construction industry (2358)
construction machinery (149)consulates (91)
consumers' and distribution associations (14)containers (19)
control (1)conveyor belts, machinery (6)
cooling industry (23)cooling technology (94)
cooperative (savings)banks (94)coopers (11)
copper- and bronzeworkers, copper wares (13)copying (82)
copyrights (5)cork (10)
corn (5)corporate systems (49)
corrosion proofing (40)cosmetics (99)
costume jewellery (11)cottage industry (45)
cotton (4)counselling (199)
courier service (110)couriers (5)
courts of justice (14)coverings (hot, cold) (222)
coverings, -tools, -machinery (32)cranes (101)
credit facilitation (49)crisis management (20)
cultural associations, clubs (43)cultural centres (25)
cultural services (56)culture items (3)
current-generative and distributive devices (22)curtain rails (82)
customer services (1)

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