2025.03.12 Wednesday Gergely
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Classification Index


machinery (51)machinery hire (81)
magnets (8)mail chute (1)
maintenance (19)management (1)
management (70)management services (21)
manager training (4)manufacturing of advertising instruments (5)
marble, polished marble (40)market research and analysis (9)
market research and analysis (174)marketing (15)
marketing design, management, campaigns (387)marketing experts (1)
markets, market halls (31)marking technology (2)
martial arts (1)mass catering (28)
mass catering (41)mass consumables (3)
mass consumables-wholesale (8)massage (27)
material testing (24)mayoral offices (5050)
meals on wheels (16)measuring and gauging services (45)
meat industry (309)meat industry machinery (7)
meat products (345)mechanical devices, tools (17)
mechanical embroidery (8)mechanical engineers, tool repair (6)
media and broadcasting technology (160)media media networks, -improvement, - services (263)
Medical gases (5)Medical instruments, apparatuses (148)
medical services (35)medical technicians (13)
medicinal herbs (112)Medicine (12)
medicines and therapeutic products, serums (116)meditation (2)
memorial object (3)men's clothing (45)
mental hygiene (15)metal extruding (8)
metal mass consumables (60)metal mass consumables industry (26)
metal processing (46)metal scattering (1)
metal sheet processing (49)metal sheet work (4)
metal sheets/boards (1)metal steaming (2)
metallurgy (4)metalwork (326)
meteorology (16)microelectronics (3)
military (1)military goods (8)
milk, dairy products (60)milking machines and apparatus (2)
milling industry (228)mineral mining (9)
mineral oil, -mining, -processing, -refinery (74)minerals (4)
mining (62)ministeriums (15)
mirrors (8)miscallenous goods (120)
mixing techniques (2)mobile servicing (37)
mobile walls (7)models, model making, model shops (15)
money handling (150)monument protection (27)
motels (21)motor industry (27)
motor vehicle authentication (5)motor vehicle constructions (9)
motoring clubs (2)motoring shops (280)
motorways (2)MOTs (6)
moulding industry (47)moulding plants (18)
mountaineering (60)mourners' outfits (2)
multimedia (11)multiplication materials (1)
municipal governments (4330)museum, exhibition furniture (2)
museums (138)mushrooms (27)
music labels, records (9)music tuition (5)
music, bands, orchestras (69)musical instruments, repair of musical instruments (100)

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