2025.03.12 Wednesday Gergely
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Classification Index


packing (72)packing machines (34)
packing materials (194)packing technology (128)
paediatric specialists (78)paint retailers (422)
paint/dye industry (44)paint/emulsion-, glaze- and varnish manufacture (17)
painting (8)painting materials (14)
painting/dyeing appliances (10)pallets (5)
pallets, boxes (23)paper industry (38)
paper machines (1)paper processing/recycling (38)
paper waste (8)paramedics (5)
parfumes and scents (4)parking meters (5)
party and reception organisation, hosting (305)party services (11)
pasta making, trade (67)patents issues (15)
pawn shop (92)pawnbrokers' trade (38)
pedicure (8)pension guarantees, pension counters (56)
perforated sheets (4)personal computers, accessories, computing products (162)
personal hygiene (107)personal transport (188)
personnel advice (126)pest control (98)
pesticides and artificial fertilizers (174)pet accessories (7)
pet breeding (5)pet shops (48)
petrol stations (65)petrol stations , petrol station management (350)
pharmaceutical industry (116)pharmacies (605)
Pharmacy (12)Pharmacy (12)
phone answering service (3)photo articles, film developing (45)
photocopiers, copiers (44)photographers, photorgraphy, photographic art (267)
photographic techniques (147)photographic technology (9)
photoprotection, protective layer preparation (3)picture- and photo framing (93)
pigs (92)pipe manufacture (11)
pipe unblocking (68)pistons, piston valves (5)
pizzas, pizza parlours (36)plactic cards (4)
planetariums (6)plant machinery and fittings (7)
plant oil industry (15)plant propagation (145)
plaster casts (19)plaster, plaster products (34)
plastic processing (235)plastic surgery (23)
plastic works (6)plastics, plastic goods (146)
plumbing and heating engineering (604)plywood production (1)
pneumatic instruments (8)pneumatics (37)
policarbonates (1)police (27)
policing (12)polishing materials, tools and and machinery (23)
political parties, organisations (18)poll counting (15)
popcorn (1)portaloos (12)
postal services (20)postcards (7)
posters, giant posters (11)potatoes (5)
pots and pans (15)poultry breeding, hatchery and processing (9)
poultry industry (250)power generators (15)
power grids (43)power indusrty technology (19)
power plants (39)power supplies (15)
prams (8)precious metals (2)
precision industrial ceramics (47)precision technologuy (8)
presentation design (11)press agencies (4)
pressure gauges (1)pricing technology, pricing guns (5)
Prima patikak (11)printed circuit boards (15)
printed materials (91)printers (28)
printers' materials (18)printing apparatus (25)
printing industry (612)printing office (114)
printing preparation (85)private detectives, detectives offices (50)
process management (10)profit vehicles (57)
programme management, logistical solutios (14)projectors and movie theatre services (1)
projectors, projector technology (10)promotion, advertising (124)
promotional balloons (1)promotional films (10)
promotional gifts (51)promotional items (73)
promotional photography (9)property handling (228)
property utilisation (74)property valuations (38)
propulsion- and balancing technology (43)Protection (1)
protective clothing, accessories (4)protective/work uniforms (246)
psychiatrists (24)psychology, psychotheraphy (26)
public area and car park management (7)public procurement (14)
public prosecutor's department (3)public relations (16)
public road services (69)public services (74)
public services (8)public traffic (34)
public transport (1)public/communal area maintenance (27)
publishers (264)publishers, publications, editors' offices (365)
pulmonary clinics (2)pulmonary specialists (4)
pumping (39)pumps and pump systems (103)
purchasing of materials (2)pvc, pvc laminating (3)
pyrotechnics (19)

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