2025.03.12 Wednesday Gergely
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Classification Index


safes and safe services (11)sails (4)
salts (7)sample preparation (1)
sanatoriums (7)sand blowing (10)
sand, shingle (16)satellite protection (1)
satellite television (2)saunas (27)
scaffolding, scaffolding rental (38)scales (116)
scattering (8)scents and aromas (12)
school accessories (5)school furniture (5)
schools (339)sculpture (1)
secondhand clothing (76)secondhand goods (21)
securities, bonds, share-dealars (32)security reviews (2)
security services (225)security technology (474)
seedling nursery (72)seeds (194)
seismology (2)self-stick labels, adhesive tapes, sheets (6)
service washes, dry cleaning (130)services (104)
sewage disposal (100)sewing machines and fittings (60)
shaft coupling (4)shaft drilling (1)
shaft drilling, boring (1)shaft drilling, sampling (3)
sheds, chalets, log cabins (34)sheep (8)
shelves, shelving units (18)shingle mining (43)
shipping (2)ships, nautical vehicles (56)
shock absorbtion (1)shoe indutry, shoe accessories (152)
shoe manufacture and repair (89)shoes (321)
shop fittings (41)shopping centres (208)
shopping malls (48)shuttering (16)
signal systems (2)signmakers (16)
silicons (3)silo (284)
sirens, flashlights (1)skating (2)
skiing accessories (9)skips, skip transport (53)
slate roofing (1)sliding doors (1)
slimming products and services (1)slot machines (87)
small electronic machinery (4)small machinery (11)
smiths, ornamental (81)snail breeding (1)
social work (91)soda water (72)
soft drinks, energy drinks, mineral waters (93)soft furnishings (139)
software development (107)software installation (1)
softwares (273)soil analysis (11)
soil management, -improvement (5)solar energy (25)
solaria (129)solicitors, solicitors' offices, lawyers (1265)
sound engineering (85)sound- and heat proofing (34)
soup kitchens (5)spare parts (110)
spark generation (7)spas (25)
speech therapy (4)spinning/plaiting industry (6)
sport (137)sport shops (191)
sporting accessories (87)sporting associations (82)
sports associations (40)sports clothing (134)
sports fields, -centres,-halls (168)sports tuition (3)
springs (29)sprocket-wheels (2)
staging (7)stainless steel products, structures, technology (25)
stairs (18)stamps (4)
standards issues (3)starch (4)
statics (5)stationary (502)
statistics (8)steamrolling (1)
steel and steel constructions/structures (296)steel and steel products (201)
steel and technical goods (243)steel- and iron foundry (12)
steel- and metal industry (111)sterilisation (1)
stock exchanges (13)stockings, socks (59)
stone carving (151)stone cladding (23)
stone mining, processing (33)storage technology (129)
storage technology (34)stoves, cookers (1)
strings (5)student jobs (46)
studio technology (7)sugar industry (31)
surface cleaning (5)surface preparation, -treatment, -covering (65)
surgeons (4)Surgeries (117)
survey, geodesy (87)suspended ceilings (7)
suspended floors (9)sweet shops (45)
sweet-shops, confectioners (440)swimming pool technology (107)
switch mechanisms (5)swithboards (4)
synthetic fibres (6)

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